Jeep adventure day
Jeep, arborism, zip line, sandboard, beach and much more!
Days and hours
- Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday
Adventure Day in the Camaro Amarelo: this is one of the most popular tours because it works as a city tour in the region. It gives you a chance to see what you can't do on foot and it's a bit further from the center, but it's beautiful and a must-see! Like the view of Chapadão and the entire stretch that goes from Praia das Minas to the town of Sibaúma.
The activity begins with the adventure. The arborism with zip line allows you to walk on the trees with a sea of green at your feet and the view of the sea in the background is something indescribable. A special activity and very different from the frequent sun and sea of the region. Lasting an hour and a half, it gives you the opportunity to walk through the Atlantic Forest, who knows, to see animals such as monkeys, iguanas and birds of different colors.
Excellent for the whole family since children from 1.20 m can do it. Not to mention the zip line at the end, a 300m flight with a spectacular view! The activity takes place in two hours, in the morning at 9 a.m. or in the afternoon at 2 pm, you can request to be picked up at your hotel at no additional cost, or, if you prefer, you can drive your car to the base that is near Praia do Madeira about 2 km from the center of Vila de Pipe. Comfortable clothes, closed shoes and water are essential elements.
The well-trained guides equip everyone with a seat, helmet and gloves, as well as providing the necessary safety instructions. The tour begins with a 980 m walk inside the Atlantic Forest, it is like entering another universe; the smells, the sensations and the landscape change completely. Arriving at the first station it is time to start the real adventure. There are 10 stations and it is getting taller every time, it starts at 5 meters and ends at 25 meters high. They are eucalyptus trunks strategically positioned and between one and the other a different type of bridge.
Ropes that move with the weight and movement of the body, rope ladders, a steel cable to walk sideways while attached to another cable or a rope net where climbing is necessary. Anyway, quite a challenge! In the middle of the circuit, the sea appears majestic on the horizon and becomes more visible as we go up. Finally, the zip line! The sensation of the wind on the face is fantastic, accompanied by a beautiful visual that mixes the shades of the green of the forest, the turquoise of the sea and the blue of the sky. The view is worth any effort!
And now we continue by Jeep. The first stop is the Chapadão. It allows a 180 degree view of the sea. Precious! The wind in your face, the reddish mud and the turquoise sea below. Prepare the camera because the photos are wonderful! On the one hand, the beautiful Praia do Amor, named for the heart that forms in the sand when the tide goes out, below the “Pedra da Pipa” that, they say, gave rise to the town's name due to its shape of a barrel. of wine that the Portuguese also call "pipa", and was the point of reference for the ships that arrived during the colony to collect Pau Brasil from the forests of the region. And on the other side, the view is lost in different bays and infinite shades of blue.
The tour continues bordering the sea on top of the cliffs, the landscape interspersed with vegetation “combed” by the wind and the ground molded by the rain. Stop for photos and another to swim in Sibaúma. Sibaúma is a small beach where the Catu River empties, an ancient quilombola community formed from the wreck of a slave ship near the coast, the slaves who were able to save themselves swam to the beach and founded the community. We crossed the Catú River that divides Sibaúma from Barra de Cunhaú and spent time enjoying the beauty of the beach and the natural pools that form at low tide. Delicious lunch in a restaurant with great service and a surprising menu. Look at the sea in the distance and enjoy every minute of sun and sea. Lunch is not included in the price of the tour.
The walk continued to the other side of the town of Pipa: the Cacimbinhas dunes. The guide lowers the boards of the jeep and the fun is trying to stay upright while navigating the white sands with a sensational view. At this point you can see the many bays that make up Pipa beach. From cacimbinhas, Praia do Madeiro, Baía dos Golfinhos, Praia do Porto, Praia do Santo and Praia do Centro. From above everything is beautiful with that reddish light at the end of the day and it is time to go because it is already 4:45 pm and it is not long before sunset, which religiously happens at 5:15 pm from winter to summer. . To see the daily show, the Camaro heads to Tibau do Sul, on the shores of Lagoa Guaraíaras, the sensation is to see the sun sink into the water, forming that strip of reflected light and majestic colors that no one tires of admiring.
End of the tour, return to the hotel, time to shower, rest and prepare for the night, be it a party or just a nice quiet dinner in one of the many restaurants in Pipa.
* Jeep adventure day
* 9 hours of passeio
* Lunch is not included in the value of the tour.
Price: from R $ 250.00
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