Le Petitto

You can visit us and get to know the best petit gateau in the city!


Days and hours

  • Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday
  • 11:00 - 23:00

What is already a success in João Pessoa-PB, now also in Pipa-RN !!

Do you know that wonderful petit gateau, very creamy on the inside? You can only find him at Le Petitto himself!

Our differential: the customer can assemble their petit-gateau. The option to choose the volcano and the ice cream, completing with the sauce, the farofa and the fruit.

We also offer different types of coffee served including Nestlé / Nescafé varieties, as well as Cappuccino and Nescau hot chocolate. The cheese bread from Forno de Minas reinforces the menu.

Le Petitto is much more than a petit gateau. It is an explosion of flavor and texture that warms the heart.


We are waiting!



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